Earth Day! Every year on April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated to
inspire people across the world to help protect our wonderful planet in any way
they can.
There are many ways for us to help our planet; from recycling more
often, educating ourselves on energy saving tips, reducing our carbon
footprints by cycling or carpooling, educating ourselves on
environmental policies, buying locally grown products, going paperless, planting
trees, and so much more.
Any small actions from turning off the lights to buying
products that are decomposable can help protect our planet.
Fivesso is also doing its part to help protect our
earth, by using all natural, organic essential oils we can help reduce chemical
trails that other synthetic essential oils leave behind. Fivesso also uses
locally grown ingredients to create our premium coffee soap bars and
What are you doing for Earth Day today?
Be on the lookout for Fivesso’s Crowdfunding Campaign in June.
Subscribe to our e-mailing list for special offers, updates and chance to win our first giveaway this coming June!
Introducing the Fivesso
Experience. Energize. Enjoy.
Picture source: https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M12af0815b503982f4a02a395d70522e2o0&pid=15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300
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